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3 Ways a Referral Management System Can Improve Patient Care

The healthcare industry is endlessly changing. And the current push toward a value-based pay model has inspired physicians to continuously look for ways to improve the overall quality of care being provided. This can be accomplished by increasing transparency, reducing operational inefficiencies, and enhancing existing processes.


Gammalon review

Gammalon is a drug that is used as a nootropic agent. It is produced in Japan and the quality of the drug is on the high level. The Japanese are always responsible for their products, so Gammalon can be an excellent option for the treatment of certain diseases. In this article we would like to […]


Single-level and multi-level water filters: what to choose?

The more polluted your water, the more carefully you need to select a filtering method or a combination of them. An integrated approach that includes 3-5 stages of purification works most effectively. A single-stage filtration system should only be used with relatively good water quality or provided that you select a filtration method for a […]


How to make money on poker in online casinos

In online casino, players can choose from several different poker game options. When these entertainments appeared on the net, there was more attention to them. Making money at poker in a casino has also become easier, but some nuances have emerged that should be considered. Poker is a popular card game that is based on […]


BMC Medicine at Digestive Disease Week 2019

BMC Medicine attended DDW 2019, one of the largest worldwide gatherings for gastroenterologists and hepatologists. Here we share some of the highlights presented during the sessions. Alessandro Recchioni Gut microbiota and the brain In a Saturday morning session, Premysl Bercik from McMaster university highlighted the interplay between the intestinal microbiota and the brain, with data coming primarily from mouse […]