Most people have negative associations with the word “steroids”. For them, it’s something bad and dangerous to their health. In the opinion of professional athletes, these drugs, on the contrary, are quite useful, especially in achieving the goal – whether it’s weight gain, “drying” or just increasing strength characteristics. But few people think about the fact that AAS is also actively used in medicine. Moreover, originally they were created for therapeutic purposes, and after – have gained popularity in the sporting field. You can find steroids at

The use of steroids in medicine

We have known for a long time how anabolics help athletes, but their results in the treatment of various diseases are for some reason rarely spoken about. But thanks to them, recovery can happen much faster. In addition, there are a number of diseases in which this kind of therapy is necessary.

Here are a few examples:

  • Since these drugs – derivatives of testosterone, they are often taken for hormonal disorders in adolescents. The course of 4-6 months allows you to achieve mimic the natural male hormone leap and then continue to support it. 
  • In addition, AAS is also used in cancer diseases. In this case, the drug is taken not only during treatment, but also after – when the body needs to recover, especially after high weight loss due to the disease. 
  • Interestingly, steroids like testosterone enanthate can now also act as male contraceptives. Unlike female ones, they have no side effects, are safer and do not affect the possibility of having children in the future. But still rely only on this method – do not, because there may be unwanted consequences.

What kind of AAS are used in medicine?

Since oral anabolic drugs in excessive doses are very toxic, doctors prescribe them only in extreme cases. At the same time, steroids in the form of injections are quite popular in the fight against many diseases. These include tuberculosis, arthrosis, immunodeficiency, osteoporosis, nervous system exhaustion, and others.

Side effects of steroid treatment

Of course, all of the above applies to permissible doses of drugs that are determined only by a doctor. Self-treatment and overdose can only exacerbate health problems and lead to such negative consequences:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • retention of excess fluid in the body;
  • liver malfunctions;
  • increased appetite;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • increased sexual desire;
  • mood swings;
  • headaches.

Therefore, if you decide to resort to them in treatment, you should first consult with your doctor and follow the instructions clearly. Only if you follow all the rules can you squeeze out the maximum benefit from AAS, regardless of your goal – to improve your performance or correct your health. You can get advice on steroids here

Addiction to steroids

By using different AAS, professional athletes think about their action and properties. Muscular weight gain, increased strength, relief and more are the priority results from anabolics. However, not so often do athletes think about the risk of steroid addiction. Well, they should. About 30% of athletes suffer from traction, both physical and psychological. The AAS itself becomes an endless process to maintain those feelings and results.

The manifestations of steroid addiction

The modern body cult has already gathered a certain audience, which resorts to taking anabolic drugs. For some, abandoning them is not a problem, but there are those for whom it will be difficult. The second category of people includes those for whom stopping taking AAS amounts to physical and psychological degradation.